Overview of Schoolwide Enrichment Model
Short SEM Videos
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Resources for Short SEM Videos
- Reexamining the Role of Gifted Education and Talent Development for the 21st Century: A Four-Part Theoretical Approach
(2012) by Joseph Renzulli
- The Three-Ring Conception of Giftedness: A Developmental Model for Promoting Creative Productivity
(2016) by Joseph Renzulli
- The Enrichment Triad Model: A Guide for Developing Defensible Programs for the Gifted and Talented
(n.d.) by Joseph Renzulli
- Curriculum Compacting: A Systematic Procedure for Modifying the Curriculum for Above Average Ability Students
(2005) by Sally Reis & Joseph Renzulli
- Enrichment Clusters: A Practical Approach for Developing Investigative Learning Skills
(n.d.) by Joseph Renzulli & Sally Reis
- An Infusion-Based Approach to Enriching the Standard-Driven Curriculum
(2016) by Joseph Renzulli & Nicole Waicunas
- A Technology Based Program That Matches Enrichment Resources With Student Strengths
(2007) by Joseph Renzulli & Sally Reis
Best SEM Videos
Short Stuff
- Adding Depth and Complexity to Type III Studies: The Schoolwide Enrichment Model
by Joseph Renzulli & Sally Reis, NAGC 2019
- Using Strength-Based Pedagogy to Engage and Challenge 2E Students Development
by Sally Reis & Susan Baum (Large File)
- Learning, Leading, and Lighting the Way: Applying the Pedagogy of Gifted Education to Total School Improvement
by Joseph Renzulli, SEM Oklahoma Keynote (Large File)
- Schoolwide Enrichment Model Lecture
(Large File)
- Renzulli Learning System
by Joseph Renzulli & Sally Reis (Large File)
- Differentiation Using Curriculum Compacting
by Sally Reis
- Challenging High Potential Students Through the Three Es of Personalized Learning Strategies: Enjoyment, Engagement, and Enthusiasm
by Joseph Renzulli (Large File)
- The Schoolwide Enrichment Model: The What, Why, Who, and How Part 1 & Part 2
by Joseph Renzulli, Texas Gifted Conference, 2017 (Large Files)
- Curriculum Compacting: A Research based Strategy for Differentiating Curriculum and Instruction
by Sally Reis, Texas Gifted Conference, 2017 (Large File)
- Increasing Academic Motivation and Preventing Underachievement
by Sally Reis, Texas Gifted Conference, 2017 (Large File)
General Articles
- Research on the Schoolwide Enrichment Model: Four Decades of Insights, Innovation, and Evolution (2020) by Sally Reis & Pamela Peters
- Enriching Students Pays Off: Evidence from an Individualized Gifted and Talented Program in Secondary Education (2016) by Adam Booij, Ferry Hann, & Erik Plug
- A Multi Criteria System for the Identification of High Achieving and Creative/Productive Giftedness
(2015) by Joseph Renzulli & Amy Gaesser
- Major Considerations for the Development of Gifted Program Identification Systems
(n.d.) by Joseph Renzulli
- The SEM Infusion Based Approach to Curriculum Enrichment: Jazzing Up the Common Core
(n.d.) by Joseph Renzulli
- The Schoolwide Enrichment Model: A Focus on Student Strengths & Interests
(2009) by Sally Reis & Joseph Renzulli [Systems & Models—Chapter 13]
- Expanding the Conception of Giftedness to Include Co-Cognitive Traits and to Promote Social Capital
(2002) by Joseph Renzulli
- The Three Es For Successful Academic Achievement
(n.d.) by Joseph Renzulli
- Freedom to Teach: Using Investigative Learning to Develop High Potentials in Young People
(2016) by Joseph Renzulli
- The Achievement Gap and the Education Conspiracy Against Low Income Children
(2013) by Joseph Renzulli [Posted with the permission of The International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity]
- Reexamining the Role of Gifted Education and Talent Development for the 21st Century: A Four-Part Theoretical Approach
(2012) by Joseph Renzulli
- Developing Creative Productivity in Young People through the Pursuit of Ideal Acts of Learning
(2010) by Joseph Renzulli
- A Technology Based Program That Matches Enrichment Resources With Student Strengths
(2007) by Joseph Renzulli & Sally Reis
- Going Beyond Gutenberg: A New Vision for Personalizing Learning
(n.d.) by Joseph Renzulli & Sally Reis
- The Effects of the Use of Renzulli Learning on Student Achievement in Reading Comprehension, Reading Fluency, Social Studies, and Science (2009) by Gara Field
- A Quiet Crisis Clouding the Future R & D People
(2005) by Joseph Renzulli
- Throughout Year, New York District Offers Clusters of Enrichment to All Its Students (2006) by Kathleen Kennedy Manzo
- Equity, Excellence, and Economy in a System for Identifying Students in Gifted Education Programs: A Guidebook
(2006) by Joseph Renzulli
- What Is Schoolwide Enrichment? How Do Gifted Programs Relate to Total School Improvement?
(2002) by Joseph Renzulli & Sally Reis
- The Schoolwide Enrichment Model (n.d.) by Joseph Renzulli & Sally Reis [Executive Summary]
- A Rising Tide Lifts All Ships
(1998) by Joseph Renzulli
- A Bird’s Eye View of Schools for Talent Development: A Practical Plan for Total School Improvement
(1996) by Joseph Renzulli
- Relationship Between Gifted Programs and Total School Improvement Using the Schoolwide Enrichment Model (n.d.) by Joseph Renzulli
- Lessons Learned From Playground Pedagogy (n.d.) by Joseph Renzulli
- From High Potential to Gifted Performance: Encouraging Academically Talented Urban Students (2010) By Sally Reis & Miriam Morales-Taylor
- Curriculum Compacting: A Research-based Differentiation Strategy for Culturally Diverse Talented Students
(2006) by Joseph Renzulli & Sally Reis
- Reflections on the Education of Gifted and Talented Students in the Twentieth Century: Milestones in the Development of Talent and Gifts in Young People (n.d.) by Sally Reis
- Promoting Creativity in Talented Adolescents (n.d.) by Sally Reis & Joseph Renzulli
Conceptions of Giftedness and Identification Practices
Enrichment Clusters
Mathematics and Reading
- Unclogging the Mathematics Pipeline Through Access to Algebraic Understanding
(2008) by Jean Gubbins, Brain Housand, Mark Oliver, Robin Schader, Catharine de Wet, Tonya Moon, Holly Hertberg-Davis, Carolyn Callahan, & Catherine Brighton
- The Impact of Advanced Curriculum on the Achievement of Mathematically Promising Elementary Students (2009) Katherine Gavin, Tutita Casa, Jill Adelson, Susan Carroll & Linda Jensen Sheffield [Research Article of the Year awarded by the National Association for Gifted Children]
- Project M² Evaluation Report for The National Science Foundation (NSF)—Executive Summary
- Project M² Evaluation Report for The National Science Foundation (NSF)—The 2011 Executive Summary
- This About Covers It! Strategies for Finding Area (2006) by Tutita Casa, Ann Marie Spinelli, & Katherine Gavin
- Mentoring Mathematical Minds: An Innovative Program to Develop Math Talent (2006) by Katherine Gavin, Tutita Casa, & Jill Adelson
- The Effects of Differentiated Instruction and Enrichment Pedagogy on Reading Achievement in Five Elementary Schools (2011) by Sally Reis, Betsy MaCoach, Catherine Little, Lisa Muller, & Burcu Kaniskan
- Case Studies of Successful Schoolwide Enrichment Model-Reading (SEM-R) Classroom Implementations
(2010) Sally Reis, Catherine Little, Elizabeth Fogarty, Angela Housand, Brian Housand, Sheelah Sweeny, Rebecca Eckert, & Lisa Muller
- How Academically Gifted Elementary, Urban Students Respond to Challenge in an Enriched, Differentiated Reading Program
(2009) by Sally Reis & Hope Boeve
- Using Enrichment Reading Practices to Increase Reading, Fluency, Comprehension, and Attitudes (2010) by Sally Reis, Rebecca Eckert, Betsy McCoach, Joan Jacobs, & Michael Coyne
- Self-regulated Learning in Reading: Gifted Pedagogy and Instructional Settings (2008) by Angela Housand & Sally Reis
- Using Planned Enrichment Strategies With Direct Instruction to Improve Reading Fluency, Comprehension, and Attitude Toward Reading: An Evidence-based Study (2007) by Sally Reis, Betsy McCoach, Michael Coyne, Fredric Schreiber, Rebecca Eckert, & Jean Gubbins
- Teachers’ Use of Differentiated Reading Strategy Instruction for Talented, Average, and Struggling Readers in SEM-R Classrooms (2006) by Elizabeth Fogarty
- Savoring Reading, Schoolwide (2006) by Sally Reis & Elizabeth Fogarty
- The Schoolwide Enrichment Model Reading Study
(2005) by Sally Reis, Rebecca Eckert, Fredric Schreiber, Joan Jacobs, Christine Briggs, Jean Gubbins, Michael Coyne, & Lisa Muller
- Reading Instruction for Talented Readers: Case Studies Documenting Few Opportunities for Continuous Progress
(2003) by Sally Reis, Jean Gubbins, Christine Briggs, Fredric Schreiber, Susannah Richards, Joan Jacobs, Rebecca Eckert, Joseph Renzulli, & Margaret Alexander
Operation Houndstooth
Planning and Implementation
Gathering Information About Students
Research and Evaluation
Middle School Issues
Multiple Menu Model for Developing Differentiated Curriculum
Gifted Women
International Translations