Project M²—Research Study

kid studying

Research Questions

Three major research questions were tested during the tenure of the grant period:

  1. For each grade level (K, 1, 2), is there an increase in mathematics achievement, as measured by criterion-referenced unit tests, an open-response assessment, and the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS) for the intervention groups after exposure to the Project M² materials?
  2. Is there a difference between the intervention group and the comparison group at each grade level (K, 1, 2) with respect to mathematics achievement, as measured by an open-response assessment and the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS)?
  3. What are some challenges regarding quality and fidelity of implementation of the curriculum materials and quality and satisfaction of the professional development?

Implementation Schedule

Pilots / Field Tests
Professional Development
Data Gathering
Evaluation Component
 Pilot grade 2
 Provide summer PD for field test teachers, grade 2
 Grade 2 qualitative data gathered and analyzed from pilot test pre- and post-test instruments: Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (mathematics), open-response assessments, and criterion-referenced unit tests
 Pilot grade 1

 Field test grade 2, sample size: ~ 480 students / 12 classrooms

 Provide PD workshops and classroom support for field test teachers, grade 2

 Provide summer PD for field test teachers, grade 1

 Provide PD for grade 2 comparison group teachers

 Grade 1 qualitative data gathered and analyzed from pilot test Pre- and post-test instruments: Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (mathematics), open-response assessments, and criterion-referenced unit tests
 Statistical analyses of pre- and post-test intervention group data, grade 2

 Statistical analyses of pre- and post-test intervention and comparison group data, grade 2

 Pilot grade K

 Field test grade 1, sample size: ~ 480 students / 12 classrooms

 Provide PD workshops and classroom support for field test teachers, grade 1

 Provide summer PD for field test teachers, grade K

 Provide PD for grade 1 comparison group teachers

 Grade K qualitative data gathered and analyzed from pilot test Pre- and post-test instruments: Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (mathematics), open-response assessments, and criterion-referenced unit tests
 Statistical analyses of pre- and post-test intervention group data, grade 1

 Statistical analyses of pre- and post-test intervention and comparison group data, grade 1

 Field test grade K, sample size: ~ 480 students / 12 classrooms
 Provide PD workshops and classroom support for field test teachers, grade K

 Provide summer PD for grade K comparison group teachers

 Statistical analyses of pre- and post-test intervention group data, grade K

 Statistical analyses of pre- and post-test intervention and comparison group data, grade K

 Prepare research articles for dissemination of results

Professional Development

Professional development will be provided in Years 2-4 for teachers field testing the units. Teachers will be introduced to the program, learn about the communication model, and engage in unit investigations during a summer institute at the University of Connecticut. Workshops during the year will be held in Connecticut, Kentucky, and Texas and will be an extension of the summer institute.

A professional development member will visit teachers each week of field testing to support instruction, verify implementation, and gather field notes. After each year of implementation, the grade-level comparison group teachers will be offered professional development and materials to enable them to implement the program.

  • One-week institute during each summer
  • Inservice days throughout the school year with substitute fees included
  • Ongoing technical support and coaching
  • Internet portal for ongoing professional development and communication

Implementation and Data Gathering

  • Qualitative data gathered and analyzed from pilot test in selected classrooms prior to field testing
  • For the field test, random assignment of teachers to intervention and comparison groups
  • Intervention groups: grade 2 students will be exposed to the treatment in Year 2, grade 1 in Year 3, and kindergarteners in Year 4
  • Total sample size is estimated at 480 students per year for each grade level
  • Pre- and post-test instruments: Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (mathematics), open-response assessments, and criterion-referenced unit tests

Evaluation Component

  • Statistical analyses of pre- and post-test intervention group data
  • Statistical analyses of post-test intervention and comparison groups data
  • Qualitative analyses and refinement of curriculum materials


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