Research Questions
Three major research questions were tested during the tenure of the grant period:
- For each grade level (K, 1, 2), is there an increase in mathematics achievement, as measured by criterion-referenced unit tests, an open-response assessment, and the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS) for the intervention groups after exposure to the Project M² materials?
- Is there a difference between the intervention group and the comparison group at each grade level (K, 1, 2) with respect to mathematics achievement, as measured by an open-response assessment and the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS)?
- What are some challenges regarding quality and fidelity of implementation of the curriculum materials and quality and satisfaction of the professional development?
Implementation Schedule
• Field test grade 2, sample size: ~ 480 students / 12 classrooms
• Provide summer PD for field test teachers, grade 1
• Provide PD for grade 2 comparison group teachers
• Statistical analyses of pre- and post-test intervention and comparison group data, grade 2
• Field test grade 1, sample size: ~ 480 students / 12 classrooms
• Provide summer PD for field test teachers, grade K
• Provide PD for grade 1 comparison group teachers
• Statistical analyses of pre- and post-test intervention and comparison group data, grade 1
• Provide summer PD for grade K comparison group teachers
• Statistical analyses of pre- and post-test intervention and comparison group data, grade K
Professional Development
Professional development will be provided in Years 2-4 for teachers field testing the units. Teachers will be introduced to the program, learn about the communication model, and engage in unit investigations during a summer institute at the University of Connecticut. Workshops during the year will be held in Connecticut, Kentucky, and Texas and will be an extension of the summer institute.
A professional development member will visit teachers each week of field testing to support instruction, verify implementation, and gather field notes. After each year of implementation, the grade-level comparison group teachers will be offered professional development and materials to enable them to implement the program.
- One-week institute during each summer
- Inservice days throughout the school year with substitute fees included
- Ongoing technical support and coaching
- Internet portal for ongoing professional development and communication
Implementation and Data Gathering
- Qualitative data gathered and analyzed from pilot test in selected classrooms prior to field testing
- For the field test, random assignment of teachers to intervention and comparison groups
- Intervention groups: grade 2 students will be exposed to the treatment in Year 2, grade 1 in Year 3, and kindergarteners in Year 4
- Total sample size is estimated at 480 students per year for each grade level
- Pre- and post-test instruments: Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (mathematics), open-response assessments, and criterion-referenced unit tests
Evaluation Component
- Statistical analyses of pre- and post-test intervention group data
- Statistical analyses of post-test intervention and comparison groups data
- Qualitative analyses and refinement of curriculum materials