An In-Depth Look at SEM Programs Around the Country

To update the information about districts that are implementing the Schoolwide Enrichment Model, we recently developed a new survey. We requested that school systems respond if they felt that are successfully utilizing many of the programs and service delivery components of the model. We used telephone interviews and print resources, such as program handbooks, to develop descriptions of their SEM services. While not all districts offer all services, the districts we are profiling offer valuable insights to others who are embarking on enriching teaching and learning in their school systems. All of the sites that are featured, while unique in their approach and implementation strategies, are willing to share their experiences with interested parties, either by email, telephone, or actual visits to see SEM in action. (As of 2019)


Georgia [1]
Louisiana [3]
North Carolina [1]
Virginia [1]
Oklahoma [1]
Texas [1]
California [1]
Colorado [1]
Montana [1]
Utah [3]