Broadcast on October 27, 2022
An Important Tool in the Toolkit: Academic Acceleration
Ann Lupkowski-Shoplik
University of Iowa Belin-Blank Center
An Important Tool in the Toolkit: Academic Acceleration
Educators are sometimes reluctant to use acceleration for their academically talented students because they have had little experience with it. This introductory session will provide an overview of the research supporting acceleration as well as the tools developed to help make informed, objective decisions. Acceleration comes in many forms, including grade-skipping, subject acceleration, dual enrollment, and advanced placement courses. Seventy years of research inform us that acceleration is a success story both in the short term and in the long term, and students do well both academically and socially. Learn about the Iowa Acceleration Scale, Integrated Acceleration System, above-level testing, acceleration policies, and the resources available on the Acceleration Institute website.
About the presenter
Ann Lupkowski-Shoplik, Ph.D. is Administrator, Acceleration Institute and Research at the University of Iowa Belin-Blank Center. Previously, she founded and directed the Carnegie Mellon Institute for Talented Elementary Students (C-MITES) at Carnegie Mellon University. She co-authored Developing Math Talent (2nd ed.), Developing Academic Acceleration Policies, and the Iowa Acceleration Scale, and co-edited A Nation Empowered: Evidence Trumps the Excuses Holding Back America’s Brightest Students. She is also co-developer of the online Integrated Acceleration System, which guides educators and families through the decision-making process about grade-skipping, early entrance to kindergarten, subject acceleration, and early entrance to college.