Doing What Mathematicians Do! Investigations in Algebraic Reasoning …

Broadcast on November 12, 2022

Doing What Mathematicians Do! Investigations in Algebraic Reasoning to Nurture Talent in Elementary Students
Kathy Gavin

Doing What Mathematicians Do Handout


Give your students new opportunities to work like mathematicians and find out how much they love math! Come explore challenging research-based, field-tested and NAGC award-winning activities focused on algebraic thinking. Students explore patterns and make generalizations, discover relationships, analyze equations, and even create new problems. The focus is on critical and creative thinking set within engaging contexts and games.

About the presenter

Katherine Gavin, Ph.D. has over 30 years of experience as a mathematics teacher, math district coordinator, elementary assistant principal, and Associate Professor at the Renzulli Center for Creativity, Gifted Education and Talent Development at the University of Connecticut. She is senior author and director of three series for talented elementary math students; Projects A3, M3, and M2. Projects M3 and M2 have won the NAGC Curriculum Division Award for Distinguished curriculum for nine consecutive years. Kathy’s awards include the NAGC Early Leader Award, NAGC 2009 and 2013 Research Papers of the Year, University of Connecticut Distinguished Researcher Award, and the Rosenbaum Leadership in Mathematics Award from the Connecticut mathematics association. She has published over 100 articles, book chapters, and curriculum on gifted mathematics education. In addition, she has provided professional development for teachers and administrators in school districts throughout the United States and presented regularly at national and international conferences including invited keynote presentations.


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