Broadcast on May 14, 2022
The Power of Psychosocial Perceptions for Academic Talent Development
Dante Dixson
Michigan State University
All advanced academic talent development requires psychosocial perceptions (i.e., one’s thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs) to advance from academic potential to academic accomplishment. In this talk, Dr. Dante Dixson will discuss the role psychosocial perceptions play in advanced academic talent development. Moreover, Dr. Dixson will outline what educators can do to help students leverage their psychosocial perceptions to aid in them living up to their full potential.
About the presenter
Dante D. Dixson, Ph.D., LP is currently an Assistant Professor of School and Educational Psychology at Michigan State University. He currently serves on the editorial broads of Gifted Child Quarterly, Journal for the Education of the Gifted, School Psychology Review, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, and the Journal of Black Psychology. In addition, Dr. Dixson is a board member for the Roeper Institute, Boys Hope Girls Hope-Detroit, and the Michigan Association of Gifted Children. Dr. Dixson’s areas of expertise include the role of hope in the educational and psychological functioning of children and adolescents, psychosocial precursors of achievement, at-risk youth, the achievement gap, the underrepresentation of minority and disadvantaged youth in gifted education, and the translation of psychological research findings into school-based practice.