Broadcast on March 9, 2023
Four Factors That Promote an Achievement-Orientation Attitude With Your Child
Del Siegle
University of Connecticut
Gifted students achieve for a variety of reasons. In this session, we will discuss four factors that students and research suggest influence gifted students’ achievement. While there are many factors that contribute to achievement, achievement-oriented students exhibit four key traits: 1) they believe that they have the skills to perform well, 2) they expect that they can succeed, 3) they believe what they are doing is meaningful, and 4) they set realistic expectations and implement strategies to successfully complete their goals.
About the presenter
Del Siegle is the Lynn and Ray Neag Endowed Chair for Talent Development at the University of Connecticut, where he directs the National Center for Research on Gifted Education. He is a past-president of NAGC and recipient of their 2021 Founder’s Memorial, 2018 Distinguished Scholar, and 2011 Distinguished Service Award.