Poster Presentation 28 — The Creative TIPPing Point: Gifted Identification in Visual and Performing Arts — Emily Andrews & Laurilea McDaniel
Monday, May 20, 2024, 5:00 – 7:00 pm, Student Union Ballroom, Rooms 330/331
Understand how Colorado Springs School District 11, in partnership with local Arts organizations, adapted the award-winning Regional Talent in Pikes Peak (TIPP) process to provide adjudication opportunities to students in Dance, Music, Theatre, and Visual Art. Discover how the experience becomes a celebration of creativity for students, teachers, and professional artists who explore their art forms in an ensemble setting. During the Talent Development and Gifted Identification process, students perform prepared pieces, complete an improvisational task, engage in an interview with professional artists, and participate in master classes. Hear how the Gifted Team and the Visual and Performing Arts Team in District 11 partner in a wide variety of activities that support gifted education across many disciplines. We operationalized assessing middle school students in the area of Creativity through a school-based collaborative effort of scoring and assessing creativity to support gifted identification in the Arts. Attendees will be provided a resource toolkit to use in designing an experience that meets the needs of your local district, students, and Arts resources.