Identification by Teachers of Intellectual Gifted Students

Wallace Research Symposium on Talent Development

Poster Presentations

Poster Presentation 25 — Identification by Teachers of Intellectual Gifted StudentsEliana Santos de Farias

Monday, May 20, 2024, 5:00 – 7:00 pm, Student Union Ballroom, Rooms 330/331

The present study reports the construction process of a screening-type scale for evidence indicating academic giftedness (Scale for Nominating Intellectual Giftedness: teacher version [ENDI-p]), as well as presenting evidence of content validity. The construction of the items was based on the ten broad domains of the theoretical model of intelligence known as Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC): fluid intelligence, quantitative knowledge, short-term memory, long-term memory storage and retrieval, visual processing, auditory processing, processing and execution speed, reaction, decision speed, reading and writing. The scale initially containing 80 items. Such items were evaluated by five reviewers. 21 items (26.2%) were excluded from the scale, as they did not reach an agreement value equal to or greater than 80%. The kappa coefficient between judges was adequate. Version 2 of the scale is ready to be used in future studies which aim at investigating its psychometric qualities.