The Affective and Academic Interactions of Giftedness With …

Wallace Research Symposium on Talent Development

Poster Presentations

Poster Presentation 7 — The Affective and Academic Interactions of Giftedness With Adoption and Foster CareAlissa Cress, Kathy Green, & Mariel Tader

Monday, May 20, 2024, 5:00 – 7:00 pm, Student Union Ballroom, Rooms 330/331

In this study, we gathered responses regarding the unique lived experiences of gifted individuals who have been adopted or were in foster care. Our findings show that the familial context in which a gifted student lives can affect their ability, willingness, and opportunity to showcase their gifts and talents or be recognized by educators. Results also indicate that experiences in the classroom and at home could cause undue stress or re-traumatization, restricting a student’s academic achievements. Through interviews and survey responses with both adoptive and foster parents and gifted individuals themselves, we collected data about the educational experiences and academic and socioemotional needs of these individuals. The gifted individuals who are adopted or in foster care range in age from elementary school through adulthood, providing outlooks at various stages of life.

We found groundbreaking connections between giftedness and adoption/foster experiences, such as perfectionism, anxiety, underachievement, home and school expectations, and demonstration of ability. Implications for the classroom and beyond will be discussed, as well as recommendations for educators, social workers, counselors, psychologists, researchers, and families.