Why Students’ Interests Matter in Creative Problem-Solving and …

Wallace Research Symposium on Talent Development

Poster Presentations

Poster Presentation 3 — Why Students’ Interests Matter in Creative Problem-Solving and Caring Communities in Out-of-School: A Design-Based ResearchEmma Cho

Monday, May 20, 2024, 5:00 – 7:00 pm, Student Union Ballroom, Rooms 330/331

This research aims to explore how students’ interests in informal learning settings are influenced by aspects of learning materials and ICT tools and how these factors impact students’ problem-solving skills concerning the communities they belong to. The research sample consists of two classes of middle school students and one control class comprising thirteen individuals. Data were collected by employing creative problem-solving techniques, which included observation, written worksheets, and the analysis of artifacts. Findings indicate that while using creative problem-solving did not directly affect students’ creative abilities, it did exert influence on their interests, concern for their communities, and problem-solving skills. Results emphasize the mutual influence of students’ interests, available resources, and ICT tools on their situational interest development within communities, as well as on problem-solving and the inventive process.