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SEM-R and Talented Readers
Contact SEM-R
Implementation Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
Presentations & Publications
SEM-R and Talented Readers
Contact SEM-R
What is the SEM-R?
Students’ first experiences with reading should be joyful, and as students grow, they should continue to enjoy and look forward to times spent reading and listening to books in the company of classmates. The more pleasurable these experiences, the more likely it is that students will want to read independently and develop the self-regulation necessary to remain lifelong readers.
Students’ first experiences with reading should be joyful, and as students grow, they should continue to enjoy and look forward to times spent reading and listening to books in the company of classmates. The more pleasurable these experiences, the more likely it is that students will want to read independently and develop the self-regulation necessary to remain lifelong readers.
The Schoolwide Enrichment Model Reading Framework (SEM-R) is an enrichment-based reading program designed to:
- Stimulate interest in and enjoyment of reading
- Promote and develop higher reading achievement
- Improve self-regulation and automaticity in reading
- Encourage students to select high-interest books that are slightly to moderately above their current reading levels
- Create independent, lifelong readers
Research on the SEM-R has been supported through two federally funded Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act grants awarded by the U. S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education.
- 2005-2009: Using the Schoolwide Enrichment Model Reading Framework (SEM-R) to Increase Achievement, Fluency, and Enjoyment of Reading (Award # S206A040094)
- 2008-2011: The Schoolwide Enrichment-Model Reading (SEM-R) in the Middle Grades (Award # S206A080001)
If you are interested in implementing the SEM-R in your school, please review the information provided in the About SEM-R section, beginning with the General Overview, and throughout this site.
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