Susan Assouline

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Susan Assouline

Susan G. Assouline is Emerita Director of the Belin-Blank Center, Emerita Blank Endowed Chair in Gifted Education, and Emerita Professor of School Psychology. Throughout her career, her research revolved around identification of academic talent, academic acceleration, and twice-exceptionality. Her work in twice-exceptionality started with a collaboration with Belin-Blank Center Director and Blank Endowed Chair Megan Foley-Nicpon. This collaboration expanded to include College of Education colleagues and the Iowa Neuroscience Institute. In 2015, she co-edited with Nicholas Colangelo, Joyce VanTassel-Baska, and Ann Lupkowski-Shoplik, A Nation Empowered: Evidence Trumps the Excuses Holding Back America’s Brightest Students. In 2016 she received the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) 2016 Distinguished Scholar Award.

Monday, May 20, 2024 – 8:30 – 9:30  – Julian C. Stanley Distinguished Lecture – Current Mindsets in Gifted Education and Talent Development: What Happened to Talent Discovery?