Contact Information:
Pinellas School District
Garrison-Jones Elementary School
Karen Buckles, Principal
3133 Garrison Road
Duvediv, FL 34698
Phone: 727-469-5716
Demographic Overview:
School District:
Pinellas School District
School Type (elementary, middle, high):
Elementary School
List of Schools Served:
Designated Program Coordinator:
Number of Gifted Teaching Personnel per Building:
Components of Schoolwide Enrichment Model:
Services for Identified Talent Pool Students
Services for Entire School Population
Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Total Talent Portfolio
Plan for Type I Experiences

Regularly Scheduled Type II Training
Type III Individual & Small Group Investigations

Curriculum Compacting
Renzulli Learning System—Online Program
Enrichment Clusters

Differentiation for and/or Cluster Grouping used in the Regular Classroom for Talent Pool Students

Regularly Scheduled Gifted Program Resource Time for Identified Students
Academies of Inquiry & Talent Development (Middle and High School Only)
Designated Arts Enrichment for Artistically Talented Students
Any Acceleration Options such as the following: Early Admission, Ability Grouped Classes, Grade Skipping, Duel Enrollment (College), On-Line Accelerated Courses, Other(Please Specify Below)
Schoolwide Enrichment Team
Advanced Training for Teachers of the Gifted

Enrichment Program Handbook/Brochure
Field Experiences (Internships, Mentorships, Service Learning Projects)
Regularly Scheduled Reviews of Total Talent Portfolios
Staff Development for General Faculty

Summer Programs
Participation in State, National, and/or International Programs such as National History Day, Future Problem Solving, Math Olympiad, etc.
Type III Fair on or an End-of-the-Year Showcase of Students Work
Other (please specify acceleration options not listed above):