Schoolwide Enrichment Model Directory

Visitation Site


We hope this directory meets your needs in locating schools that are implementing the Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM). Each SEM school/district has a specific information page that enables you to locate districts with similar demographics to your own. The schools are listed in alphabetical order within each region and state. The page includes general information regarding the site location/region, the contact person information, a program description, key areas of SEM that each program reflects, and the grade levels of the program(s).


Thank you very much for your interest in the Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM). The sites listed here encourage telephone interviews as well as site visits. With requests coming in daily for information about programs, we have spent considerable time compiling and updating this directory of known exemplary programs. We hope our efforts will help to sustain the partnership we have with the general education community. It is our goal to expand the information base for persons advocating “high end” learning, and continue to educate professionals regarding talent development.

Our office receives daily requests to contact or visit SEM school in specific regions of the country. We developed this website to address these requests. Each school or district described on the following pages implements one or more SEM components. Although many educators participate in SEM training, review printed SEM materials, or develop program proposals, the districts listed here have shared information about the implementation or management that we feel would be beneficial to others. In 1981, Phi Delta Kappan reported that the SEM was the most frequently used approach to organizing schools’ gifted and talented education programs. The information in this directory reflects an extensive search for current SEM initiatives and their unique approaches to program development.

If you are currently utilizing any aspects of Schoolwide Enrichment Model and would like to be part of our directory, please complete our survey by clicking on SEM Directory Information Form.

If you have any questions or would like further information please contact our SEM Outreach Coordinator.

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