SEM Directory—Colorado

Contact Information:

Academy District 20
Ranch Creek Elementary School
Tiffany Hawk, TAG/Enrichment Coordinator
9155 Tutt Boulevard
Colorado Springs, CO 80924
Phone: (719) 234-5500
Fax: (719) 234-5599


Demographic Overview:

School District:
Academy District 20
School Type (elementary, middle, high):
Elementary School
List of Schools Served:
Ranch Creek Elementary School
Designated Program Coordinator:
Number of Gifted Teaching Personnel per Building:


Components of Schoolwide Enrichment Model:

Services for Identified Talent Pool Students
Services for Entire School Population
Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Total Talent Portfolio
Plan for Type I Experiences
Regularly Scheduled Type II Training
Type III Individual & Small Group Investigations
Curriculum Compacting
Renzulli Learning System—Online Program
Enrichment Clusters
Differentiation for and/or Cluster Grouping used in the Regular Classroom for Talent Pool Students
Regularly Scheduled Gifted Program Resource Time for Identified Students
Academies of Inquiry & Talent Development (Middle and High School Only)
Designated Arts Enrichment for Artistically Talented Students
Any Acceleration Options such as the following: Early Admission, Ability Grouped Classes, Grade Skipping, Duel Enrollment (College), On-Line Accelerated Courses, Other(Please Specify Below)
Schoolwide Enrichment Team
Advanced Training for Teachers of the Gifted
Enrichment Program Handbook/Brochure
Field Experiences (Internships, Mentorships, Service Learning Projects)
Regularly Scheduled Reviews of Total Talent Portfolios
Staff Development for General Faculty
Summer Programs
Participation in State, National, and/or International Programs such as National History Day, Future Problem Solving, Math Olympiad, etc.
Type III Fair on or an End-of-the-Year Showcase of Students Work
Other (please specify acceleration options not listed above):
Pre-testing of concepts-all students scoring 90% or above are put on a learning contract working in the same concept but with more challenging work. Students are instructed through the use of novels from our leveled book room. Advanced/higher level questions are written for comprehension and discussion. TAG teacher co-teaches with classroom teacher using Thinking Maps, kinesthetic math, science notebooking. TAG teacher collaboratively plans the learning contracts and supplies resources and meets with contract students within the classroom. Identified students receive instruction both in and outside of the classroom. 4th and 5th grade students participate in Socratic Seminar with the TAG teacher on a daily basis depending on chosen novel.