Project M³ Team

The Project M3 team is composed of national experts in the field of mathematics, mathematics education, and gifted education.
Katherine Gavin
Dr. Gavin is the director of Project M3 and senior author of the curriculum units. She has a doctorate in gifted education and over 30 years of experience as a mathematics teacher, math district coordinator, elementary assistant principal, and Associate Professor at the Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development at the University of Connecticut. She received the 2012 Distinguished Researcher Award from the University of Connecticut Neag School of Education.

m3_writingteamDr. Gavin is also the Director and senior author on the National Science Foundation Project M2: Mentoring Young Mathematicians curriculum units for primary students. (Visit for more information about these award-winning units.) Kathy is also co-author of the CCSS-aligned middle school math curriculum, Math Innovations. She has published over 100 articles, book chapters, and curriculum materials on mathematics education with a focus on gifted students. She serves on the NAGC STEM Network and the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics STEM Gifted Special Interest Group.

Linda Sheffield
Dr. Sheffield is the co-principal investigator of Project M3 and is Professor Emerita at Northern Kentucky University. Linda has had extensive experience in the field of gifted mathematics education. She has chaired the NCTM Task Force on Mathematically Promising Students, and created and chaired the NAGC STEM network. She is an author of the research monograph Gifted and Talented Mathematics Students and the NCTM Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics commissioned by The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented.

Linda has authored several books and articles in the field including the NCTM Navigation series for grades Pre-kindergarten through Grade 2, a series of books on creative problem solving, a mathematics education text for preservice and inservice elementary and middle school teachers, and was editor of the NCTM books, Developing Mathematically Promising Students and The Peak in the Middle. She is co-author of Math Innovations middle school textbook series.

Susan Carroll
Dr. Carroll, president of Words & Numbers Research, Inc., a Connecticut research and evaluation firm founded in 1984, evaluated the program and oversaw the research during Project M3. Her firm has conducted numerous program evaluation and research studies for educational institutions throughout the United States. From initial research design, through its implementation, to final reporting and presentation, the firm provides quantitative and qualitative information upon which school system; universities and other institutions can base strategic decisions.

Susan has won awards in the areas of leadership, scholarship and business. Susan has her doctorate from the University of Connecticut and as a former Associate Professor there taught both a Research Methods and Program Evaluation course at the graduate level. She has consulted on hundreds of doctoral dissertations. She has published two books and many journal articles in the field of education; some with a focus specifically on program evaluation and research.

Suzanne Chapin
Dr. Chapin is Professor of Mathematics Education at Boston University where she teaches graduate- and undergraduate-level courses in mathematics curriculum, mathematics content and methodology, mathematics for special needs students (gifted and learning disabled), and educational reform. Suzanne was the principal investigator of Project Challenge,a Javits project which is the model for several components of Project M3. She is a member of the curriculum writing team.

Dr. Chapin is author or co-author of several mathematics textbooks and programs including Math Innovations middle school textbook series. Suzanne is also the senior author on Math Matters: Understanding the Math You Teach Grades K-6 and Classroom Discussions.

Judy Dailey
Ms. Dailey, an educator with 23 years experience, is the retired K-8 math coordinator for the Montville Public Schools and adjunct faculty member in graduate mathematics education at Union College. She is a member of the curriculum writing team for Project M3.

Judy is the director of the Connecticut Association for Mathematically Precocious Youth (CAMPY) which offers ongoing professional development to educators as well as educational challenges and support for students. She is co-author of Navigations in Geometry Grades 3-5 and the Navigations in Measurement Grades 3-5 publications.

» Curriculum Units
» Project M3 Team
» Research Study