The Path of Student from Municipal Schools in Balneário …

Wallace Research Symposium on Talent Development

Poster Presentations

Poster Presentation 11 — The Path of Students from Municipal Schools in Balneário Camboriú to the High Skills/Gifted Pole in 2022, From the Perspective of Their Families and TeachersMaristela Trentini

Monday, May 20, 2024, 5:00 – 7:00 pm, Student Union Ballroom, Rooms 330/331

This research aims to show the process of including students at the High Skills/Giftedness Center. Participants in this research were the parents or guardians, teachers, and school management teams of high-skilled and gifted students. In 2019 in Balneário Camboriú, Brazil, the High Skills/Giftedness Service Center was opened, a municipal center that aims to serve this population of students. The Center aims to work on the skills and areas of interest of these individuals, in addition to helping identify them. It also offers support to teachers and schools for enrolled students. According to the INEP School Census in 2021, the total number of students enrolled in basic education in the municipality was 15.585 students. As observed in the school census, only 709 students were registered as the target audience for Special Education, of which 21 were students with high abilities, representing approximately 0.13% of students in the municipality. According to data reported by the Department of Education in 2021, 39 students with high abilities were served, 21 of whom attended the High Skills/Giftedness Service Center.