SEM Directory—New Jersey

Contact Information

School District Name
Branchburg Township
School Name
Branchburg Central Middle School
School Address
220 Baird Road, Branchburg, NJ 08876
Contact Name for Visitation
Suzanne Updegrove
Contact Phone Number
Contact Email Address


Demographic Overview

Number of SEM Schools in the District
School(s) Served [elementary, middle, high]
Number of Gifted Teaching Personnel per Building


Components of Schoolwide Enrichment Model

Services for Identified Talent Pool Students
Services for Entire School Population
Elem. School
Middle School
High School
Elem. School
Middle School
High School
Total Talent Portfolio
Husky Dog Paw
Plan for Type I Experiences
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Regularly Scheduled Type II Training
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Type III Individual & Small Group Investigations
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Curriculum Compacting
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Renzulli Learning System—Online Program
Enrichment Clusters
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Husky Dog Paw
Differentiation for and/or Cluster Grouping used in the Regular Classroom for Talent Pool Students
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Husky Dog Paw
Regularly Scheduled Gifted Program Resource Time for Identified Students
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Academies of Inquiry & Talent Development (Middle and High School Only)
Designated Arts Enrichment for Artistically Talented Students
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Any Acceleration Options Such as: Early Admission, Ability Grouped Classes, Grade Skipping, Duel Enrollment (College), Online Accelerated Courses, Other (Please Specify Below)
Husky Dog Paw
Schoolwide Enrichment Team
Advanced Training for Teachers of the Gifted
Enrichment Program Handbook/Brochure
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Husky Dog Paw
Field Experiences (Internships, Mentorships, Service Learning Projects)
Regularly Scheduled Reviews of Total Talent Portfolios
Staff Development for General Faculty
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Summer Programs
Participation in State, National, and/or International Programs such as National History Day, Future Problem Solving, Math Olympiad, etc.
Husky Dog Paw
Husky Dog Paw
Type III Fair on or an End-of-the-Year Showcase of Students Work
Husky Dog Paw
Husky Dog Paw
Other (please specify acceleration options not listed above):